If you are interested, please give us a call at (65) 6469 2123
to make an appointment.
Junior Robotics Programme
(suitable for children age 4 to 8)
This is a starter course for children with no robotics experience. Children are brought into the world of science and technology with LEGO® Education WeDo sets to build and program robotic models and be introduced to the basics of robotics.
Key Learning Values
Learn to build and program robotic models
Brainstorm to find creative alternative solutions
Experiment using variables
Record observations like time and distance
Use mathematical skills like adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing and estimating
Use feedback to adjust a programming system output
Multi Sensorial – uses the senses of touch, hearing and sight when children build their models.
Multi-faceted – encompasses the 5 components essential for program solving.
Class Schedule and Fees
Mondays 3:15pm to 4:15pm ($20 per session)
Robotic sets and laptop will be provided for the lesson (no other material cost required) There will be 10 weekly lessons per term. No make-up lessons are held if class could not be conducted due to public holiday closure. Fees for the term will be prorated based on the number of sessions taught. There will be no make-up lessons for absentees.