About Us

TLH first opened its doors in 1994.  In the last thirty years we have built up a close group of teachers: well trained and dedicated to children.  We are based in Singapore and run a Montessori style pre-school/kindergarten/semi-childcare with Mandarin and English spoken in equal proportion.


Our aims are truly to bring about well-rounded children ready to meet the world with curiosity and strength.


We are a balance of play and proper learning.

We have not diluted the theories that Maria Montessori set out but have tried to keep up with the times by introducing modern equipment in a setting she would have approved of.


We ensure your child thinks: not rote learns.

Our teachers are sensible, gentle and well organized individuals and the children have learnt that adults can be friends.  We have a good age range of children in our vertically grouped set of students.  There are approximately 15-16 students in each year ranging from 18 months - 6 years of age.


Your child will live up or down to your expectations.  We genuinely believe in your child’s ability.

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