To better facilitate the workshop, the children were split into two groups. The first group had the workshop while the second group were given the time to use the play spaces in the Artground.
Ms. Nova talked about how dye is produced from different plants. She shared that yellow dye can be produced by boiling mango leaves and purple dye can be produced by boiling avocado skin and seeds.
Ms. Nova introduced one the flowers, Marigold, to be used for the dyeing process.
Marigold, Roses, Butterfly Peas, Ixoras and Pandan leaves were used to produce the different colours.
The children were given Roses, a Marigold and a sheet of paper to try see how these flowers can be used to produce colour. They were asked to put the petals on one side of the sheet.
Once they have completed putting the petals on one side of the paper, they then folded it and started pounding.
After pounding, they excitedly opened up their folded paper to see the results.
The children were handed out their shirts and were given a Pandan leaf to tear and use as one of the items to produce colour.
The children reused the petals and started arranging them on their shirts, depending on the design that they wanted.
Ms. Nova introduced the Butterly Pea which produces blue dye. It can also be used to create tea.
Ms. Nova demonstrated how to change the blue dye from the Butterfly Pea to purple by adding an acidic ingredient - lime juice.
The children were also given one Butterfly Pea flower to use for dyeing their shirts.
The children reused the petals and started arranging them on their shirts, depending on the design that they wanted.
The children reused the petals and started arranging them on their shirts, depending on the design that they wanted.
Water was sprayed at the petals and the shirts to ensure that the colours can be extracted quickly after pounding.
The children were instructed to start pounding to extract the colours from the plants.
The children were thrilled to see the rainbow of colours on their shirts after pounding.
All smiles showing off their newly created shirt designs
It was a double treat for the children since they were also given the time to use the fantastic play spaces in the Artground.